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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I love being Younique!

A great big THANK YOU going out to Younique Corporate!
It has just become easier then ever to be a Younique Presenter!
  • Only $99 to join....April Presenters kit include all 15 of our Matte Mineral Pigments as well as an additional $155 in perks and if you join my team I will give you a set of 3D Fiber Lashes (another $29 value)
  • Only requires $125 in personal sales per rolling quarter to stay "active"
  • Be included as a "founding presenter"! Only 500 spots left!
  • Earn an all expense paid cruise for 2 by Sept 1,  2013
  • Work from home on your schedule! No need to keep nights open for parties- ours are 100% online!
  •  Be the first Younique Presenter in your area! Many states and areas are wide open!

If you are interested in learning more about joining the Younique Family and my Younique team I would love to hear from you! Please email me or go to my Younique page to sign up!

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