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Friday, April 5, 2013

A few things I love about Younique

Last night I had the opportunity to attend a Younique Launch Party where the Co-founder of Younique, Melanie Huscroft spoke. I wanted to share some of the things she shared with us because to me it was just another confirmation that I did the right thing back in October when I first heard about Younique. (You can read about it here) So here are a few of the things that I loved!

  • Younique was founded by a brother & sister team, Derek Maxfield and Melanie Huscroft. Melanie talked about how much her brother thinks of women, how capable we are, I LOVE THAT! You can learn more about his awesome duo here. 
  • If you notice our beautiful Younique Logo is purple. Purple stands for Royalty because we, as women are ROYALTY!! Love that! I tell my daughter all the time that she is a daughter of God which makes her royalty!
  • When they started Younique they took all of Derek's years of experience working with some of the top direct sales companies and took the best of each one and create what they felt would be an amazing Home Party company. But they did not want to limit the presenters to their local circle of influence like the traditional home party plan, they wanted to broaden the reach of the presenters by taking the home party virtual! Just to prove that this concept works our top producing Presenter is from a small town of 1000 in ALASKA!! She uses social media to spread her Younique business across the counrty! Seeing how I am a SAHM that lives in Boise, Idaho I love that! 
  • Younique is 100% debt FREE!! Dave Ramsey would love us! That means we have no investors to answer to so they can do what they feel is right for the company and it's presenters! How many companies can say that?
I loved all of that and if that were not good enough here are a few hard cold facts that prove that Younique is really going places! Since Younique launched in October 2012 (with no products released mind you)
  • Signed 126 presenters in Oct. alone.
  • Products launched Nov 2012
  • Virtual Parties launched Dec 2012
  • Presenters rose to 240 in our first 3 months and now have over 457 presenters!
  • Younique has been named a Top 10 Performing Home Party Companies 2 times in 6 short months!
  • March sales exceeded $100,000 making us a "Million Dollar Company" in our first year!
What an amazing company! I am so grateful that I went to that meeting on October. So glad that I took the leap of faith and signed up as the 27th presenter in this new company! I look forward to the Younique Journey that I am on and hope that you will consider joining me on my Younique team! Now is a great time to join the Younique family as a "founding presenter".

If you have questions about becoming a Younique Presenter please email me or if you already know you want to invest $99 in yourself just sign up here and I will be in contact with you soon!

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